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Action 3: Implementation of low-input crop management (LCM) systems

The principles for the implementation of a Low Crop Management were set.

A draft of a low input protocol was completed and was based on the national standards AGRO 2.1 and AGRO 2.2 as well as on the most recent report by the E.C. for the Integrated Pest Management «Developing of guidance for establishing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) principles».

With regard to the crop specific low crop management protocols, the respective drafts protocols were completed for the following crops:

  • Cotton (based upon AGRO 2.2 data for cotton, the draft of the Plant Protection Guide and the Plant Protection Guidelines of EcoPest)
  • Corn (based upon data from the Plant Protection Guide and the Plant Protection Guidelines of EcoPest)
  • Industrial Tomato (based upon AGRO 2.2 data for industrial tomato, the draft of the Plant Protection Guide and the Plant Protection Guidelines of EcoPest)

The draft protocols were reviewed by the external reviewers.

Sub-actions for the Low Crop Management implementation in the pilot area

  1. Monitoring of pests (results of trap captures in 2010, analysis and interpretation of results). The results of the monitoring were regularly announced to local agronomists. Extremely high incidence of insect pests, especially in cotton, were observed under 2010 in comparison to 2009.
  2. Use of Weed- Seeker technology
  3. Band application of herbicides
  4. Use of technique for reduction of dust pollution from the sowing of pesticide treated seeds.
  5. Data on climatological conditions.
  6. Replacement of spraying nozzles with low drift nozzles for the reduction of spray drift; repair of spraying equipment
  7. Provision of training to farmers, agronomists and all people involved in the implementation of the Low Crop Management System and the good agricultural practices

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