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Action 2: Preparatory actions

Action 2 described and depicted in detail the prevailing situation in the wider area. It delineated the boundaries of the wider project area and mapped the crop distribution. It created a thorough hydrogeological map of the Viotikos basin and of the soil and water sampling sites. By monitoring environmental samples, Action 2 was also able to ascertain the background pollution levels that originated from agricultural activities. The participating farmers and the fields to be included in the pilot area were identified, and the appropriate contracts signed. Historical data were obtained through questionnaires regarding the amounts and types of pesticide inputs usually applied in the area, application techniques, water use, agri-waste management methods, and personal and environmental protection measures. Personal interviews carried out by the beneficiaries with farmers and pesticide distributors yielded further data. Surveys were also conducted in the area to monitor weeds, pests and diseases.

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