
Beneficiary : DIMITRA - LRI

LRI Team Coordinator : S. Vizantinopoulos
email Emaill: S. Vizantinopoulos

LRI Team Scientific Head (Contact Person) : A. Panagopoulos
tel Telephone number : +30-2310-471577
email Emaill: A. Panagopoulos

During the 50 years of its operation NAGREF-LRI oriented its research and activities to timely and urgent subjects under the European and National legislative Acts and Directives concerning the environment and more specifically the management of soil and water. Research work, technical assistance and training and dissemination of knowledge are the main objectives of the Institute. Scientific issues addressed through the projects of the Institute include irrigation and drainage, crop water requirements, irrigation efficiency, utilization of waste or salty waters in agriculture, reclamation of degraded soils, water and soil monitoring, development of environmental indices. Several practical and urgent issues concerning management of water and soil resources have been efficiently and effectively addressed, and scientific advice to stakeholders has been offered. A well-equipped laboratory operates under ISO 17025 standards, where soil and water samples from environmental projects or experimental fields are analysed. Based on the obtained analytical data the Institute gives advice on the proper soil and water use, whilst it performs assessment and characterisation of both soil resources and water bodies. Involved personnel share a multitude of scientific backgrounds that enable an integrated approach of the aforementioned issues and have considerable experience in their respective fields through participation in a series of national and European research projects and also their extensive involvement as scientific advisors to large consortia of firms. LRI members have participated in the compilation of Action Plans (AP) and a Code for Good Agricultural Practice (COGAP) for the declared vulnerable basins of Greece to groundwater nitrate pollution of agricultural origin, in accordance to Directive 676/1991/EEC. Over the last 5 years the research team of the Institute is involved in about 10 EU and over 20 National projects.



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